New model,New price! 【Drop Grid Smart Chat】 has been updated。

Just today! OpenAI has released a new wave of model updates,Now,落格智聊已支持新加入的 GPT-3.5-turbo-16k,The model supports up to 16000 The amount of memory of the token,便宜的价格让更多应用设想成为可能!

Now,You can use GPT-3.5-turbo-16k in the Drop Chat API,Including Smart Chat platform and API platform。


Other than that,This update adds the function call function,We also supported it。The API interface is now perfectly adapted,Including stream and non-stream request modes~


对了,At present, the full range of models supported by Ledger Zhiliao have been updated to the latest 0613 Version,It's a pity,The API of Drop Smart Chat does not support specifying the old model,When you send a request,The specified version number is automatically replaced with the latest version。



equally,OpenAI's impact on GPT 3.5 Serial models underwent a wave of price adjustments,We've also updated it as well:The original GPT-3.5 model,Unified by input and output 0.02 Point each 1000 token 降价75折 0.015 dot,The output remains the same still 0.02 dot;For the newly joined 16k version of GPT 3.5 model,Enter as 0.03 dot,输出为 0.04 点(每 1000 token 的价格)

还有embedding API 的价格也下降了现在起输入和输出由原本的 0.004 dot降价25折 0.001 点 每 1000 token。



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