LogInput macOS 2 Update Log

** 🎉 New dropspace input method macOS 3 is now on the market,Old users can exchange existing activation codes for them 6 Discount Upgrade Offer!


  • Fixed an error where switching between Chinese and English would freeze after turning on Touch Bar support;
  • Fixed a bug where the half-width symbol conflicted with the Control shortcut
  • Database performance optimization。


  • Now you can switch the system Capslock directly in the Settings app to switch between Chinese and English;
  • Improve the stability of the input method;
  • Fixed a bug where z+pinyin had few word candidates when the code table was pure;
  • Fixed a bug where the english and numeric autospace features in some web pages might not work properly。


  • Fixed a bug that caused numbers to re-screen in Chinese mode。


  • Capslock now switches between English and Chinese Buffer behaviors consistent with other key behaviors such as Shift;
  • Synchronize the upstream upgrade update framework;
  • Fixed a bug where "Chinese force Qwerty layout" did not take effect in some cases;
  • Fixed a bug where symbol mapping did not support numbers;
  • Fixed a bug where the Automatic Spaces for English and Numbers feature did not take effect when entering numbers separately;
  • Fixed when symbol mapping is half-width,The input method does not respond to key errors such as the Arrow Key Esc key。


  • Fixed an invalid system Capslock support bug,If it is still invalid after the update,Please reboot the system。


  • Now,exist 10.15 The above system can directly support the system capslock switch between Chinese and English;
  • Added switch for automatic nesting of symbols,Open by default;
  • Optimize and set up app messaging mechanisms;
  • Fixed an error where the existing backup could not be successfully replaced when exporting a user thesaurus;
  • Fixed the settings interface layout error;
  • Fixed an error where the existing backup could not be successfully replaced when exporting a user thesaurus。


  • Add a detection mechanism,If the input method has not been started,The configuration tool automatically jumps to add;
  • Fixed an error where the Settings app would occasionally not find the input method process;
  • Fixes an error that prevents the update from being checked domestically。


  • Update 091 To 21 Winter.;
  • Update The Fall Explainer Library;
  • Fix macOS 12 Errors that may not be read when starting VoiceOver are selected;
  • Now the update prompt pops up correctly。


  • Add full-time semicolon quotes two or three-choice prompts that quotation marks cannot be tri-selected;
  • Reduce the number of user word displays,Avoid overcoding;
  • Adjust the degree of user word radicalization;
  • Improve the efficiency of input method execution;
  • Optimize the activation process;
  • Update Liqing five pens;
  • Fixes an error that failed the square bracket secondary selection;
  • Fix errors that sometimes prejudge extra-long user words;
  • Fixing the activation link requires the configuration app to start before it can execute correctly;
  • Fix when a non-default Buffer style is set,Quickly enter the URL,Buffer will still display the error in the corresponding style。


  • Update The Fall Explainer Library;
  • Fixes an error that might get stuck when you import an extended thesaurus;
  • Fix an error in the vertical candidate bar caused by a patch on Google Docs under Chrome that may not be able to locate the input cursor;
  • Fix an error that might not match the actual week Chinese a week of digital conversion。


  • The Touch Bar candidate now also supports VoiceOver interpretation;
  • Fix when the code table is mixed in full and z-plus full-slicing is turned on,Entering the full spell at the beginning of z directly causes an accidental anti-discovery error of the full code;
  • Fix when frequently switching app focus,Enter errors in the confusing state of English and Chinese in french。


  • Modify the priority of additional encodings and guides,Now the extra encoding with a semicolon does not override the bootstrawer feature,If you want to support coding at the beginning of a semicolon,You will need to close the guide manually;
  • Update The Fall Explainer Library。


  • Optimized buffer processing logic,Improve performance;
  • Fixes an error that accidentally enables point-stroke guidance by adding a semicolon extra encoding after turning off a stroke boot;
  • Update the framework,Update 091 To 2021 summer。


  • The pkg installation package now also supports m1 native operation;
  • Optimize the z-pinyin processing logic;
  • Optimize code rules;
  • Fix errors that expert mode can't check when fully spelled z-pinyin;
  • Fix errors that Single Auxiliary cannot check back,The auxiliary code table needs to be re-imported;
  • Fix an error that Touch Bar supports that cannot be completely shut down;
  • Fixes an error that the input method will use immediately after the system restarts and gets stuck;
  • Fix an invalid error with a candidate bar mouse click。


  • Improve the stability of the input method;
  • Update 091 Code table to spring 2021;
  • Fix when the classic highlight style is white,The selected candidate front serial number does not show an error;
  • Fixes an error caused by Touch Bar that the input method is stuck and does not respond when it starts;
  • Fixed a bug where pinyin lo was not recognized;
  • Fix Big Sur 11.2 Shift when enhanced mode is turned on + Capital letters cause errors in switching between Chinese and English。


  • Reduce the memory footprint of the input method;
  • New macro #p #P and #pp for am AM and MORNING;
  • Fixes an error in some input boxes that causes the input method to be repeatedly activated;
  • Fixes when switching between Chinese and English using the Capslock key,Errors that invalidate english mode in some input boxes;
  • Fixes an error that Touch Bar may not be able to click to switch to simple mode。


  • Fine-tuned according to Big Sur's system candidate bar style;
  • Updated the drop-grid interpretation library;
  • Fixes an error that "Shift Extra Features" no longer takes effect after the "Shift Switch in English" is canceled;
  • Fixes an error that shift extra features will be inherited by other keys after switching between the Chinese and British keys;
  • Fix an error that caused the input method to flash back after a "lose-out" special setting after an iOS backup was restored;
  • Fixes an error that causes Capslock to not take effect even if it is cut to another input source when Capslock Switch is turned on;
  • Fixing the English status prompt in the status bar may not correctly eliminate errors when switching to another input source。


  • Optimize the double-stitch solution resolution algorithm;
  • Optimize the processing logic of simple spelling in double spelling;
  • Update The Fall Explainer Library;
  • Now drop Input Method MacOS 2 It's universal app,Support for Apple Silicon。


  • Updated the Chinese and English thesaver.;
  • Optimized super simple spelling.;
  • Improves the compatibility and stability of the input method.;
  • Now the empty code on the screen can use custom encoding normally.;
  • Fixes an error that enters numbers when locking capitals do not automatically space.;
  • Fix an error that could cause the input method to crash accidentally.;
  • Fixed a bug where candidates starting with z would also be removed when Z+ was turned on;
  • Fixes an error in which quotation marks are not automatically paired.。


  • Now when the only candidate is selected in semi-sign quotation marks, the screen symbol is on the screen at the same time.;
  • The traditional conversion library has been updated.,Updated the drop-grid interpretation library;
  • Updated the drop-in narrator explanation library.;
  • Optimize touch Bar display.;
  • Optimize smart URL recognition.;
  • Fixes an error when Touch Bar switches between Chinese and English that does not handle candidate bars and Buffers.;
  • Fixes an error that does not appear for individual words in the extended thesacus.。


  • Update 091 Five pens to the 2020 autumn version.;
  • Optimize the sorting of English candidates.;
  • Fixes an error that the "China-UK State Switch Ingress" switch does not take effect.;
  • Fixes an error in setting up content for a drop-down menu in the app.;
  • Fixes an error that is not updated immediately after the Custom Coding edit.;
  • Fix code table mode will accidentally query for double-word errors.。


  • Now it's four yards on the screen.、The empty screen and the empty top will not be valid for English candidates.;
  • Now "Repeat on the screen"、The "Undo Up" and "Z Repeat Up" features repeat content only in the candidate bar.,Punctuation marks and other things are not repeatable.;
  • Now with the keys"”按两下可直接输入“"Itself.,The specific output symbol takes effect according to the "symbol mapping" setting.;
  • Now switch the input method.,If buffer exists.,automatically up-screen Buffer is not the preferred candidate.;
  • Now the semicolon and single-quote dot guide double-click results are synchronized to change according to the corresponding symbol mapping style.;
  • New switch "State Prompts when switching in English and Chinese.";
  • Several code refactorings have been performed.,Multiple underlying code logic optimizations.,Improve the stability of the input method;
  • Optimize the lead processing efficiency of the stroke.;
  • Fixes errors that the code table mode cannot query when the z-pinyin word cannot be queried when the non-spaces are on the screen.;
  • Fixes in some cases an error in the spelling of lue that cannot be entered in z-pinyin.;
  • Fix an error where capital candidates don't write enough in English at the beginning.
  • Fix the error that the preferences interface may be in a bad state for the first time after activating the input method.
  • Fix escant errors that can be lost in extremely low memory situations.;
  • Fix the error of not checking a single word when entering certain words;
  • Patched google docs in Chrome.,When getting an abnormal cursor position.,Place the candidate bar in the mouse position.。


  • This update is a patch update,It's mainly fixed. 2.3.5 Using the full-stitch Buffer style in full spell mode in the release can easily lead to errors in the input method;
  • Also updated with the Down interpretation library;
  • For other changes please refer to 2.3.5.


  • Optimize the setup interface operating logic;
  • Import code tables and auxiliary codes are no longer compatible with error rows,Requires that the profile must be fully correct;
  • When you fix the Code Table and The Full Spelling,Z-pinyin does not check the error;
  • Fix when using full spelling and setting full-stitch Buffer style,Enter v error situ edu;
  • Fix errors that may show conflicts when the candidate bar and The Chinese and English status prompts the small window to appear in the animation。


  • This update is a patch update,It's mainly fixed. 2.3.4 English candidates in the release may cause the input method to crash the error;
  • For other changes please refer to 2.3.4.


  • New Comma Period、Square brackets、The minus sign is equal to the number, the second three picks.;
  • Now Shift Enhanced Mode changed its name to Shift Control Enhancement;
  • Now control switching in Both English and Chinese also have enhanced mode available;
  • Enhanced mode now works only where Shift and Control are known to be not working;
  • Now you can download the configuration from the "nog cloud" and apply it with one click;
  • Now Jane is also involved in word frequency;
  • Now the "semicolon quote sineverthree" exists independently of the guide function,Turning off the guide does not affect the secondary selection;
  • Now the Dot Boot switch and the Dot Boot configuration buttonareare are combined and placed on the System Settings pagination;
  • Now the "Z-Full Spelling" can also use the word breaker;
  • Optimize Capslock key signal detection mechanism;
  • Optimize the code structure,Improve stability;
  • Optimize English candidate positions in "Full Spell" mode;
  • Optimize intelligent URL recognition algorithms;
  • Optimize the memory footprint of the secondary calculation process;
  • Optimize performance in extreme cases of input method;
  • Fix errors that "close the pilot" causes the full spelling key to not work。


  • Optimize the code structure,Improve the stability of the input method;
  • Optimize time date macro processing logic,Improve the overall operational efficiency of the input method;
  • English processing logic when optimizing input "haha";
  • Fix errors that enable dictation when input is broken;
  • Fix errors where custom encoding does nuns when you turn on coding dechecking;
  • Fix the error that a help button on the settings page reads in English under VoiceOver;
  • Fix a wordless error when closing "Super Simple";
  • Fix macOS 10.12 Errors that may not start the input method;
  • Fix candidate bar skins only follow system errors;
  • Fix errors that in some cases enhance disoperate softened the enhanced mode。


  • Enhanced mode is now turned on after authorization without a reboot;
  • The shortspell in the user's words after closing the super-short spell now will not show;
  • Now Buffer contains capital letters,No style conversion;
  • Optimised overall architecture of the input method system;
  • Fix the error that caused the Buffer to stay on the space screen;
  • Fixes errors in some cases where candidate bars accidentally display render caches;
  • Fixes errors that turn on enhanced mode that may result in reduced input stability;
  • Fix errors that the candidate bar showed the last cache when Buffer included capitalcases。


  • The grid input method now supports Catalina's automatic black-and-white color scheme;
  • Now English candidates can be intelligently corrected;
  • Now you can switch between Chinese and English using Capslock;
  • |- Special conditions are restricted,See the description of the relevant setup interface。
  • Now you can turn on Shift Boost mode;
  • |- Used to solve problems where Shift cannot be switched between Chinese and English in some input boxes,But there are special conditions.,See the description of the relevant setup interface。
  • Improve the overall stability of the input method;
  • Improve the operational efficiency of the input method;
  • Improve side code performance;
  • Optimize English candidate algorithms;
  • Optimize candidate bar rendering algorithms;
  • Fix errors in the classic five-pen table where so contains garbled candidates;
  • Fix errors that in some cases vertical candidate bars will go beyond the top of the screen。


  • Now press Capslock during the input process to empty The Buffer;
  • Optimised for VoiceOver;
  • Optimize the layout logic of vertical candidate windows at the bottom of the screen
  • Fix the bug that the spelling engine UE can't handle。


  • Now you can switch the period smart domain URL function;
  • Now you can adjust the vertical position of the candidate column text.;
  • OpenCC thesaurus updated;
  • Fixes errors where the input method does not start properly after a clean installation of the grid input method。


  • Now you can choose Shift Extras:Includes "Up screen pick" and "Empty Buffer";
  • Updated cumbersome conversion engine;
  • Shift pick sits off by default now;
  • Fixes an error that doesn't work correctly after turning off Shift switching in English;
  • Fix errors in full spell mode jv qv xv that caused the engine to fail to handle properly。


  • Now you can customize the configuration directory;
  • Now the China-UK start status prompt is only displayed when there is a cursor;
  • Optimize the full spell;
  • Optimize candidate bar font rendering;
  • Optimising the engine of the loss;
  • Optimize authorization check logic;
  • Fixes an error that accidentally bolded the candidate bar text default font in 10.15;
  • Fixes errors where candidate columns can't be displayed after they've turned pages。


  • Show hidden Buffer shortcuts (cmd) under new VoiceOver + shift + b);
  • Optimize the entire input engine processing logic,Improve engine stability;
  • Refactored authorization algorithm,Updated OpenCC module;
  • Updated the drop-grid interpretation library;
  • Fixes an error where the keyboard may be running slowly when double-stitching sentences are entered slightly longer;
  • Fix errors that might crash when using full spelling on a mechanical hard drive device;
  • Fixes an error that can't be checked back when the hybrid setup code table is full-stitched;
  • Fix the first time a new user activates the drop input method,There are no real-time changes to the activation status of the About page;
  • Fix UI errors that complement in preferences;
  • Fixed when the number of candidates is not automatic,If the number of words is longer than 20,Error seating error in candidate bar length calculation;
  • Fix some situations even if activated correctly,Preferences still suggest it's a free version of the error。


  • Now you can use #符号全角 #符号半角 #符号映射 three dots to guide the macro to quickly switch symbol mapping style;
  • The China-UK status icon for the resident status bar now automatically disappears when you switch to another input source;
  • You can now search directly for the names of the categories of the number of cloud categories、Uploader nicknames and descriptions;
  • Delete now、Upload、The list is automatically refreshed after the share is modified;
  • Now Buffer does not show English candidates when more than two capital letters;
  • There is no need to log off reboots now for systems 10.14 and above after installing the grid input method,Fully automatic addition takes effect;
  • Switching from full spelling to code table or double spelling will now prompt to turn off super-simple spelling;
  • Improve the stability of custom coding;
  • Updated Liqing Code Table;
  • Optimize candidate bar rendering efficiency;
  • Optimize candidate bar font rendering logic;
  • Optimize the simple spell processing logic in full spell mode;
  • Fix errors where font selection panels may not automatically close properly in preferences;
  • Fixed a bug in some cases where the status bar and Touch Bar may not match the actual status;
  • Fix errors where in some cases Chinese and English prompts do not display properly。


  • Fixed error in pkg installation package run error;
  • Updated Drop Explainer;
  • Optimize the database。


  • Now in Z+Pinyin mode, you can check the corresponding encoding of the current lookup table (when the lookup table is enabled);
  • Now you can turn off System Text Replacement support in the Custom Coding interface;
  • Now pass the default query only one word results;
  • |- If you need to restore the original behavior,You can turn off the "Pass-through check-only word" function in the code table-related settings interface。
  • Updated Liqing Code Table、091Code table;
  • Optimize the installation package structure,Now the installation pops up when the new installation grid input method、Uninstall tutorial;
  • Fix some situations,Restoring iOS backups causes custom encoding stoic errors。


  • Fixes errors that may be deflected by user word learning using both a double spelling scheme and a side code, as well as a simple spelling。


  • Updated the drop-grid interpretation library;
  • Now built-in "star key channel" and "Key channel 6" merged into "star Key Road 6" to avoid confusion;
  • Now when the automatic spaces feature is turned on,Also effective under uppercase locking (Chinese mode);
  • Now drop Input Method MacOS 2 Build support for Notarize;
  • Now you can turn on the full-width symbol in symbol mapping;
  • Synchronous updates built-in "star Key Road 6" to the latest edition in May;
  • Optimization stack sorting algorithm;
  • Optimize the extended anosis format validation algorithm;
  • |- The number of phonetics in the extended thesaurus must be less than or equal to the number of words。
  • Fix errors that caused the settings to crash when individual apps were added to the silent list;
  • Fixes an error that causing the input method to crash by turning the page to the end and then forward;
  • Fix errors that are not fully displayed in the auxiliary code reverse check in some cases;
  • Fix errors that do not generate simple spelling immediately after word making;
  • Fix errors that "custom encoding" in the Settings app may flash
  • Removes the mechanism for automatically checking for updates each time it starts。


  • New to The Sun 98 pen code table built-in;
  • VoiceOver Add read-only word puzzled word option;
  • Now you can turn off buffer under VoiceOver;
  • Optimizing the associative logic of user words;
  • Optimize the full spelling input experience;
  • Level candidate layout when optimizing vertical text;
  • Now vertical and horizontal text can be identified in real time.;
  • Fix when not in a single word,Error with secondary code priority greater than user Word;
  • Fix the error of rendering run deviation when selecting the vertical text level of the Pure Code table user。


  • Project migration to Swift 5;
  • New Word Library Frequency;
  • Now the Chinese title number and square brackets are automatically nested;
  • Now English candidates can also participate in the word frequency.;
  • Custom encoding locations are now no longer affected by Emoji and English candidates;
  • Now the user word after learning can automatically generate simple spelling;
  • Updating the entire sentence model;
  • Updated the key path 6.2 Main Code table;
  • Optimized for vertical text;
  • Optimize uppercase opening English processing logic;
  • Optimized full-spell processing logic;
  • Optimize custom Encoding implementation logic;
  • Optimization of simple spelling processing logic;
  • Optimize z+ Pinyin processing logic;
  • Improve the stability of the input method;
  • Fix errors in some extreme cases where double-spell input may be slightly carton;
  • Fix errors that do not go heavy when custom encoding and common candidates repeat。


  • This update is 2.1.7 The patch version,The main fix is that the vertical candidate bar does not display candidate errors。
  • 2.1.7 The version update reads as follows:
  • Now the candidate bar custom font layout is more beautiful;
  • Now the candidate bar text is more comfortable to render;
  • Now you can choose whether to return to the z+ pinyin when the z is on the screen;
  • Added "Fast Word frequency Learning mode",Located in the security & amp; Privacy module;
  • Update the built-in 091 Code table to 1902;
  • Update the built-in green Five code table;
  • Expand the English thesaurus;
  • Improved compatibility with Safari;
  • Optimization of candidate de-weight algorithm,Boost efficiency;
  • Sort logic selected when optimizing a word heavy code;
  • Optimize Input Method Check update logic;
  • Optimization of super simple spelling algorithm;
  • Fine-tune the default font weight for candidate columns;
  • Fine-tune the background color in the candidate bar black mode;
  • Fixed a number of minor errors in setting up the app;
  • Fixed an error that used the quotation mark Bootloader to cause the input method to crash;
  • Fixed a bug where uppercase letters may not be displayed correctly in the spelling buffer style。


  • Now the auxiliary code can be involved in the word frequency.;
  • Now "simple and complex" increases "Martian text" support;
  • The built-in thesaurus has been expanded;
  • Optimized built-in thesaurus query logic;
  • Optimized the processing logic of dual-spelling scheme;
  • Method to enhance the stability of input;
  • Optimize Auxiliary Code logic;
  • Fixed a user word selection error that could be caused by a four-yard vocabulary priority;
  • Fixed an error where the secondary code configuration in double-spelling mode in settings did not display the current state correctly;
  • Fix an error that could cause full spelling mode to fail to properly eliminate buffer。


  • You drop Input method users,Happy new year! Follow @ Drop Studio official Weibo,Participate in the New Year gift package forwarding draw,Up to 20 Independent development IOS APP pack!
  • Added extra large Character set features;
  • Now the vertical candidate bar is as wide as the Mojave system by default;
  • Now Jane supports word frequency, too.;
  • Slightly speeds up the vanishing time of the status prompt;
  • |- Developer View:This tip is useful for small squares.,But most of the time it doesn't take that long to exist.,Being too long affects the normal workflow.。
  • Improve the stability of input method and the compatibility of automatic learning word making function;
  • Improved code execution efficiency;
  • Improves the stability of recovery backups;
  • Optimized candidate bar Rendering logic;
  • Optimize support for Touch Bar;
  • Reduces CPU footprint When the entire sentence is entered;
  • Fixed automatic spaces ignoring carriage return errors;
  • Fixed lue and nue pinyin words in full spelling mode may lack candidate errors;
  • Fixed an error in some cases where emoji was cropped in the candidate bar;
  • Fixed an error where custom encoding could not be set in four-yard on-screen mode。


  • Now you can turn off Touch Bar support.;
  • Now the drop input method can display and control the current English and Chinese mode in the status bar (turned on by default);
  • Touch Bar now displays and controls current English and Chinese patterns;
  • Now switch the simplicity of the transmission,The status on Touch Bar can also be updated synchronously;
  • Now "under the Panel" renamed "Feature Customization";
  • Now you can use shift. + cmd + F Quick Switch complexity output;
  • |- Developer View:In some cases,It's a very useful function to have a simple transmission.,In addition to the commonly used ;F Outside the default bootstrap,I think it is necessary to provide other input methods commonly used in the shortcut key combination to facilitate your quick switch complexity,of course,For a device with a bar,,You can also switch with Touch Bar one click。
  • Now you can switch the global shortcut key of the drop input method in the settings;
  • |- Developer View:Now,Drop Input Method supports two shortcut keys:Custom encoding and switching simplicity。But in short,,Due to MacOS system reasons,These shortcuts are all system-global.,They do have the potential to conflict with some app shortcuts,Now you can choose to turn off the shortcut key function of the drop lattice input Method--if it conflicts with your app。
  • The silent list now supports the direct selection of add entries from the running app;
  • You can now reset your authorization if you encounter a certificate error;
  • Optimized app icon color to get better recognition in dark mode;
  • Optimized some of the interactive logic of setting up the app
  • Symbol mapping now provides presets for all common symbols by default;
  • Now in full-screen app mode,Status prompt small squares can be displayed normally;
  • Now switch complexity through the Input Method menu There are also tips for small squares;
  • Fixes an error in error recognition as URL input when paging with a non-comma period;
  • Fixed an error where startup status prompt caused Windowserver to be too high CPU consumption;
  • Fixed Input method status prompt small box may block mouse click Operation Error。


  • Update 091 Code table to 1901;
  • Update March Konami code table to 5.3;
  • |- If you are using both types of lookup sheets, please re-import to update。
  • Added built-in classic five code table 98 and 86 Two models;
  • Now 10.14.1 In the following versions,"Smart emoji candidate" does not display unsupported new emoji;
  • Optimized word frequency and algorithms;
  • Fixed an error in "full spelling" mode to select "Full buffer style" that caused buffer to not be displayed;
  • Fixed an error in "Double spell" mode with "full spelling buffer style" causing buffer to disappear;
  • Fixed an error where switching system global black and white could cause a black "about" interface;
  • Fixed an error that buffer not cleared correctly when entering a time date shortcut in full spelling mode;
  • Fixed an error in the "Full spell" and "Code table" modes where the system text replacement content might not be read;
  • Fixed a bug where backing up configurations could cause the Settings app to crash in rare cases;
  • Fixed an error that the "Stork double spell" scheme did not display in rare cases。


  • Optimized the whole sentence input language model;
  • Fixed an error where the two settings state of the secondary code in the settings dual-spelling mode interface might not match the actual state;
  • Fixed an error where switching duplex schemes might not work correctly in dual-spelling mode;
  • Fixed maximum display for logarithmic cloud sharing 100 The error of the bar;
  • Fixed switching dual-spelling scheme in a dual-collage editor,If the target scheme does not have a bootloader,Set an error where the interface bootloader does not change。


  • Improved stability and compatibility of input methods;
  • Optimized settings in the app,Part of the logic of the input mode;
  • Further optimizes the user interface for input mode;
  • |- Developer View:Ever since I redesigned this interface in the last version,,User confusion over settings is reduced by a lot,But that brings with it another problem.,tab should not be used as a "selector",There's a logical deviation.,So I changed a single box to implement this toggle.。
  • Now "Mix (code table + Pinyin)" is renamed "Expert (code table + Pinyin)";
  • Added an empty code clear screen function description for the Code table mode;
  • Fixed when switching from dual-spelling mode to expert mode,If the secondary code is turned on,Then the expert mode is an operable error in the auxiliary code;
  • Fixed an error that did not switch the double spelling scheme correctly in double-spelling mode;
  • Fixed an error where the status prompt feature caused Safari to create a new tab carton;
  • Fixed an error that caused carton when the new tab entered Chinese in the address bar when the Safari tab was greater than two;
  • Fixed an error in setting an individual question mark button in the settings interface to read English under VoiceOver;
  • Fixed an error where Touch Bar always immediately enters Lenovo after selecting a candidate。


  • Fixed an error where automatic spaces are spaces for each word when in Chinese text;
  • Rearrange the Settings interface;
  • Now "code table & amp; scheme" renamed "Input Mode";
  • |- Developer View:The drop method supports too many functions.,Code table、Pinyin and Auxiliary code,These three categories confuse almost all novice novices,I try to split the settings in "mode",and provides a "hybrid" mode to serve familiar old users。


  • Now the drop method is smoother.;
  • The URL will now be at the top of the list when the URL is identified.;
  • Now drop Input Method MacOS 2 Support Touch Bar.;
  • Now you can back up the key mapping configuration.;
  • Added most common text encoding support to Code table files;
  • Updated VoiceOver empty Mountain Xinyu Interpretation Library;
  • |- Defenders say:This time, it's mainly a unified interpretation of the names of dozens of very word chemical elements.;Now, with the exception of "tin of Sikkim" and "Platinum of platinum",,The interpretation of the names of metallic elements is unified in the former,For example, "zirconium of golden zirconium";With the exception of "Krypton of the Air Krypton",,The interpretation of the name of the element with the head of the air is unified into the back of the air word,For example, "tritium of tritium gas"。
  • Improved processing performance for symbol mapping;
  • Optimized processing efficiency of dual-spell scheme;
  • Fixed a bug where some simple spelling would be accidentally confused when you were in a double spell;
  • Fixes an error that may not be valid after the secondary code is moved;
  • Fixed smart ABC fixed code table type error;
  • Fixes an error in some cases where importing text may be garbled;
  • Fix errors where fuzzy tones do not take effect in some cases;
  • Fixed a buffer error when the input URL was repaired in full spelling;
  • Fixed a candidate error displaying E when entering a boot when full spelling;
  • Fixed an error that caused the ctrl+h to be on the Input Method candidate screen;
  • |- Developers say:CTRL series shortcuts are of little effect to the drop input method, except H.,Actually, I didn't even pay attention to this compatibility issue until then.,Now,With the exception of H, other shortcuts would be equivalent to pressing ESC,Let the drop input method empty buffer。
  • Fixed a simple failure error when the empty code was on the screen;
  • Fixed several errors in the double-spelling editor。


  • Now set up app support URL Scheme;
  • |- For the specific supported URL scheme, see https://Docs.logcg.com/chang-jian-wen-ti/url
  • The input menu now supports shortcut switches;
  • Now set "Custom encoding" to support shift + cmd + = Fast Outbound;
  • Now numbers also support automatic spaces;
  • Now VoiceOver users can choose "only word not read words";
  • Now VoiceOver switch Chinese and English mode has a sound prompt;
  • Now, the z C s doesn't flatter in Jane's spell.;
  • Added #全拼 macro support;
  • Added #链接 macro support;
  • |- Developer View:The dot of the drop input method if you can support URL Scheme,will bring efficiency to the next level.,Now you can use the click-through key to tune up your app or website,Please note that if you want to open a link to a Web page,Please write the full agreement head.,Like HTTPS.://
  • Now the logarithmic cloud Extension thesaurus no longer displays "million",Replace with "Rows";
  • Optimized user Word database query performance;
  • Optimized kernel behavior switching logic;
  • Optimized the whole sentence input;
  • Fixed an error where custom encoding candidates did not correctly eliminate buffer;
  • Fixed an error in updating the extension thesaurus without updating the number of rows after the logarithmic cloud upload extension thesaurus;
  • Fixed an error in the full spelling of the time number to change the phonetic participle。


  • Now you can set the empty code to automatically clear the screen.;
  • Now the numbers and English can be automatically spaces before (conditional,See the instructions in the Settings app for details);
  • Built-in "smart ABC fixed Top code";
  • Updated the 091 Code table to emoji special edition;
  • Optimized emoji candidates;
  • Optimized the built-in thesaurus candidate word frequency;
  • Fixed an error that the Code table reverse check does not display。

  • Patch Updates:
  • Refactoring the inverse check display logic,Fixed an incorrect error on the upper screen when the secondary code was checked for anti-check。

  • Patch Updates:
  • Fixed an incorrect screen error when the code table was involved in Word frequency。


  • Now the Code table can be involved in the word frequency.;
  • Now you can set the Chinese-English mode global save switch;
  • |- Silent list function invalidation in global mode。
  • Now you can customize the code length.;
  • Now emoji candidates can show more emoji.;
  • Now 10.14 The following versions of the system,Highlight the candidate display more clearly;
  • Now expand the import and export of the Thesaurus to click on the small box before the thesaurus name;
  • Now you can import the extension thesaurus table directly;
  • |- Developer View:Improvements to the previous version although the deletion operation was done,But the whole operation is confusing in a different way.,Now,Click the plus sign to import an external extension thesaurus table,Clicking a minus sign is to delete a selected extension thesaurus;If you want to load or uninstall the extended thesaurus,Click the Small box on the left side of the thesaurus。
  • Improves the compatibility of input methods;
  • Improved copy efficiency of code table files;
  • Improved overall performance;
  • Settings interface slightly optimized;
  • Fixed an error where custom encoding does not take effect in full spelling mode;
  • Fixed an error with an import error encoding code table causing a memory overflow;
  • Fixed an error setting some of the buttons in the App to read English under VoiceOver;
  • Fixed an error where the wildcard character was invalid when using the Code table;
  • Fixed an error that failed to "empty code directly on screen" mode。


  • Now you can revoke the authorization for the current device.;
  • Now you can disable the Input method upload crash log;
  • Now the emoji candidate can read normally under VoiceOver.;
  • Now the extended Thesaurus setting changes to select and then click the lower left corner plus (+) to import;
  • |- Developer View:"Extended Thesaurus" set up the interface so that many users rushed to confusion,In fact, file management should be done in the Finder,In short,This operation is not very uniform,Instead, add two buttons directly to the bottom left corner,A responsible import,The other is responsible for canceling the import and deletion。
  • Now updates and hot update notifications will automatically disappear.;
  • Optimized the learning logic of all-spell user words;
  • Optimized all-in-English candidate logic;
  • Updated VoiceOver Drop Interpretation Library;
  • Improved underlying code stability;
  • Fixed a bug where the "Buffer style" could be misplaced when displayed;
  • Fixed a bug where Buffer could not be emptied correctly after selecting a special symbol candidate;
  • Fixed "Microsoft double spelling standard" in Y still contains ing error;
  • |- Users who use the Microsoft Double-spelling Standard Edition,Please re-select once to update。


2018Year October 25 drop-Grid Input Method MacOS 2 On the market.