Idle at home words ... Why don't you learn double spelling? Everyone wash your hands and disinfect more,Even if you delay the start of work,,Don't forget to exercise too~ from 2 moon 5 Day starts,Until 2 moon 16 day,Period subscription drop input method X month lying,Only RMB (RMB),Both new and old users can participate.。 * Older users can unsubscribe and re-subscribe,But we're not sure if this will lead to a successful subscription.,If successful,I hope you can give you feedback.。If your subscription expires exactly during this time period,Then switch directly to monthly payment to enjoy this offer。 ** Monthly pay price will be restored after the event 18 Yuan per month,Users who have already subscribed do not need to be charged,However, starting with the next subscription cycle, you will be charged at the standard price,If you don't unsubscribe in time,Then Apple will prompt you to increase the price of your app before the charge,You need to agree to automatically renew,but the rising price is really just restoring the original price.,Not a price increase.。
Daily Archives: February 8, 2020
1 post