*⚠️ if you can't use the drop-in method after automatic updates,Please go to the "Input Source" in the system settings to delete and then add the drop input method again。
- What's new,可选 Shift+数字 直接上屏;
- 新增一个全新的设置页面方便用户跳转到输入法文档网站;
- 现在输入法会在导入扩展词库时,进行更严格的格式检查;
- 修复智能推荐的候选会意外被学习到用户词库的错误;
- 优化一些配置项目的说明文字;
- 优化全拼拼音切分规则逻辑;
- The update notification prompt window is optimized。
3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3
- Update Liqing five pens,091Wubi;
- Update the built-in thesaology;
- Fixed a bug where user words did not appear in the candidate selection when creating words;
- Fixed the bug that when the shift+tab key combination would unexpectedly switch between Chinese and English。
- Added a Chinese-English toggle tone switch in VoiceOver mode;
- Update the status bar icon;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Update candidate bar style to match macOS 15;
- Fixed a bug where modifier key + number combination would unexpectedly trigger the switch between Chinese and English。
- Fixed the bug that in some cases, modifiers such as shift did not switch between Chinese and English。
- Added shortcut keys to switch input modes;
- Fixed when spelling is turned off,A user word prefix query gives an error of being a very long candidate;
- Fixed the bug that the word count on the screen may not work;
- Fixed the bug that there were too few duplicate candidates in non-lookup tables。
- Added shift + Ctrl key combination to switch between Chinese and English options;
- Reduce the probability of errors when SHIFT and CTL cannot switch between English and Chinese;
- Improve the stability of user thesaurus;
- Improve the efficiency of reading and writing user thesaurus;
- Fixed the bug that even if the code table is turned on to participate in the word frequency, it cannot participate in the word frequency。
- Optimize VoiceOver;
- Fixed the bug that the user word could not be matched when the full code was spelled together;
- Update thesaurus and pocket-explained library;
- Optimized for spelling prefix query user words。
3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5
- Fixed a bug where the candidate bar did not respond to the black and white color setting。
- —
- Update the candidate bar style for Sonoma;
- Optimize secondary whitespace;
- Update liqing five-pen code table;
- Update 091 Five Strokes;
- Fixed a bug where Pinyin word segmentation key priority was greater than extra encoding;
- Performance optimization of other input methods。
3.3.1 3.3.2
- VoiceOver compatibility option has been added,Secondary Blank;
- Added a built-in braille computer;
- The pocketed explanation library now supports the interpretation of Braille;
- Now, the newly installed pocketed input method will pop up and prompt restart;
- Update liqing five-pen code table;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Raised the pair macOS Sonoma Compatibility;
- Fixed a conflict between Pinyin intelligent error correction and correct pinyin。
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Update 091 Five-stroke code table;
- Fixed an error where emoji smart candidates displayed random emojis when they were null inputs;
- Fixed a bug where a single semicolon quotation mark was not a candidate;
- Fixed the issue that the input method was stuck after the system hibernate and woke up;
- Improve the execution performance of input method programs。
- Added custom coding interface, click Title Sorting;
- Added Enter key function,You can toggle to select the upper screen to enter letters or clear;
- Fixed a bug where single quotes could not be automatically paired;
- Update the extended thesaurus and English thesaurus。
- Add the rare word biang;
- Added option+backspace key to delete input letters in pinyin;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Improve input method compatibility,Fixed a small logic bug。
- Change the renminbi symbol¥is the more commonly used half-width symbol;
- hoist mac Clean up software compatibility;
- Optimise thesaurus;
- Fixed the gray error of setting the number of letters to hide candidates。
- Optimize English sorting;
- Optionally hide candidate ordinal numbers;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Fixed a bug where an empty candidate box might appear when the input box displayed the input letters;
- Try to fix the bug that the input method may get stuck the first time it is used after booting。
- From now on, when installing a new one, you will be prompted to restart the system to use the input method;
- Added option to display input letters in the candidate column;
- Adjust the vertical candidate column layout logic;
- Fixed a bug where setting a light candidate color was actually setting a black candidate color;
- Fixed a bug where some non-standard fonts did not appear in the default font book。
- Added input method startup mode switching,Now you can switch the default Chinese and English startup mode of the input method,Includes "Automatic","Auto + Silent List","Global state consistency",There are five types: "Always Chinese Mode" and "Always English Mode";
- Removed“Always hide the candidate bar”of the feature,New“nThe candidate column is not displayed within letters”Features,From now on, you can define how many letters to enter before the candidate field is displayed,The default is to display immediately,which is 0;
- Update 091 To 2022 Winter.;
- Update Liqing five pens;
- Improve the stability of the input method;
- repair Control Cmd The error of using the word "left and right interchange" function to fail;
- Fix in Jetbrain IDE The error in may not enter the Chinese correctly。
- for macOS Ventura Update;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Added normal Chinese number uppercase mode;
- Fixed individual polyphonetic errors;
- Fixed a bug where the input method could not learn new words in some cases;
- Improve input method security。
- Optimized sentence engine performance for Intel devices;
- Symbol mappings can now be automatically restored to the default configuration after being cleaned by the cleaning software;
- Fixed the system when the default language is Japanese,Candidate errors that cannot be fully displayed;
- Fixed the bug that when the screen was reawakened, it would not be able to switch between Chinese and English。
- The uppercase number mode now automatically applies the vertical candidate bar and can be made longer;
- Now the macOS version of the drop box input method can also import the contact list;
- The whole sentence engine now supports turning on or off individually;
- Optimized the candidate column update mechanism;
- Optimized the pattern recognition algorithm for uppercase numbers;
- Added Yi code table built-in;
- Improve the stability of the input method;
- Fix the option to change back to numeric index instead of letter index after numeric candidate backspace;
- Fixed a bug where the option to "Follow System" was automatically checked when highlighting candidate colors was set;
- Fixed the possibility that there may still be a simple spelling error when turning off Super Jane Spelling;
- Fixed a bug where right Ctrl might not be recognized。
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Improve the stability of the input method;
- Improve the rendering stability of the interface;
- A and b are now used as candidate selection keys when typing uppercase numbers quickly;
- Now there is also a hint to switch the half-width full-width with the boot;
- Fixed expert mode interface layout error in settings;
- Fixed an endless loop error that could cause the input method to suddenly consume a lot of CPU。
- Custom encoding now supports importing and exporting terms with n;
- Now the auxiliary code supports the choice of the first or last word of the auxiliary word;
- From now on, word frequencies are no longer supported for English candidates when using lookup tables,The English word frequency will cause confusion in the logic of the upper screen of the code table;
- Added "Factory Reset" function,One-click reset of various settings to default values;
- Fixed an error where English candidates were also affected by on-screen mode when non-code tables were not code tables;
- Optimized version update tips,Continue to try to repair S after wakinghift The key cannot toggle the error between Chinese and English;
- Fixed an error where user thesaurus index migration failed;
- Fixed a bug where z-wildcarding was turned on in pen mode and still took effect in other input modes;
- Fixed when booting Chinese numbers,A number that is too long causes a page turn error to be displayed;
- Fixed the bug that English candidates would also be screened when the code was on the screen。
- Added the function of mapping comma periods to arrow keys,Replace the comma period with the page turn feature to move the highlight candidate;
- Added binding one-click re-import double-spelling scheme、Secondary code and code table function;
- Now when the number of candidates is fixed and the actual number of candidates is insufficient or just one page,The page turning key is no longer displayed;
- Now switch the auxiliary code with the shortcut keys、Reverse check、Tips as well as traditional and simplified,All can take effect in real time when there are candidates;
- Update Liqing five pens;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Fixed a bug where an input method would get stuck due to multithreaded checking authorization conflicts in some cases;
- Fixed a fix that the input method may not respond to modifier key errors such as Shift after hibernation and reawakening;
- Fixed a bug where using the Toggle Secondary Code Switch function in the menu did not work correctly in some cases;
- Fixed the bug that the candidate bar occasionally stuck。
- Added shortcut key binding for quick switch auxiliary codes,The default is empty;
- Added the function of word determination,When the user enters a vocabulary,Press the shortcut key to select the first or last word of the candidate on the screen;
|- This function shortcut supports left and right Shift、Left and right Control and left and right Command,Extra ground,You can also switch the functions of the left and right buttons according to your own habits,The default left button is the top button on the right button on the end of the screen。 - Try to fix an occasional Shift toggle English Buffer that does not persist;
|- The probability of occurrence is greatly reduced,But this is an upstream problem,Further research is underway。 - Optimize candidate bar refresh efficiency;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Adjust the right-click menu,Now it will be displayed anyway,It just turns gray when it doesn't apply;
- Fixed an error where the automatic email address feature did not take effect;
- Fixed an error where the database could not be refreshed successfully after restoring a backup;
- Fixed a bug where simulated key class implementations would be nested back and forth when sequential macros were executed;
- Fixed when turning on z repeatedly on the screen,The time date quick candidate runs to the preferred error;
- Fixed the system automatically switching black and white colors while sleeping,The input method cannot receive a notification to update the cache error,Added post-wake refresh mechanism。
- Optimize engine execution efficiency,Especially performance on older devices;
- The quick guide now feature only supports two decimal places;
- The Smart URL now places Buffer in the candidate bar preferred,Easy for users to enter spaces;
- The @ symbol is now also controlled by the Smart URL switch;
- Now the input method is authorized and does not need to be restarted to take effect;
- Optimize the auxiliary code processing logic in the whole sentence;
- Fix on Touch Bar Support when switching between Chinese and English will stutter the error;
- Fixed a bug where the secondary code was preferred to move backward;
- Fixed the bug that too much simple spelling in user words led to too many candidates;
- Fixed a bug where the half-width symbol conflicted with the Control shortcut。
- Added toggle symbol mapping status shortcuts and shortcut menus!
|- You can rotate in the Input Menu to toggle the current symbol mapping mode,You can also add shortcuts to the settings to cycle through,Shortcuts are not bound by default。 - “The end of the auxiliary code word prompt”Now renamed "Auxiliary Code Hints",And supports end-of-word options;
- Updated traditional conversion thesaurus and framework;
- The settings interface adds a description button for a quick word frequency mode;
- The Symbol Mapping panel of the settings interface adds a shortcut to one-click mapping of right-angle quotation marks;
- Fix a bug where the secondary code may be secondary to a strange cache;
- Now the right mouse button deletes and fixes the first place,The candidate bar can be refreshed in real time;
- Square brackets and minus equal signs are now turned on by default,Consistent with native;
- Other stability optimizations。
- Optimize the input method underlay,Improve stability;
- Now the macOS version of the drop box input method turns off smart error correction by default;
- Added the pronunciation of the word "dei" in "得".;
- Fixed the error that intelligent error correction interfered with the full spelling split。
- Updates the logic associated with shortcut key processing,Some instructions on shortcut key settings have been added to the settings interface;
- Add the pronunciation of "zhei" for "this".;
- Fixed a bug where the english and numeric autospace features in some web pages might not work properly;
- Fixed a bug in handling rhymes for non-legal spellings such as "ong";
- Fixed an error where the cursor could not be moved with an arrow after Chinese on the screen when hiding the candidate bar。
- Now you can set up App Direct switching system Capslock Switch the Chinese and English functions;
- Now from the ordinary double spelling user input support automatic conversion of double spelling to full spelling and query system text replacement and custom encoding;
- Optimize Tuning Buffer dispose;
- Optimize the input of fully spelled sentences,Now the input method can handle some ambiguity splitting problems,The whole sentence is more precise;
- Fixed a bug where the secondary code might not be able to assist all candidates;
- Fixed when Traditional Mode was turned on Touch Bar Lenovo is not a traditional mistake。
- Added shortcut settings to restore the default keys;
- Added double spelling、One-click reload function for the setting of the secondary code and the code table;
- Added a documentation button and a restore default button in the tap boot setup interface;
- Update The Fall Explainer Library;
- Update the drop grid 3D engine to v2;
- Improve the stability of the input method;
- Slightly increase the volume of the toggle sound between Chinese and English;
- When repairing a pure code table z+Pinyin out of single word candidates with few errors;
- Fixed an invalid extension thesaurus click bug;
- Fixed a bug that would cause confusion in the behavior of empty code directly on the screen。
- The sorting of the tabs on the left side of the settings interface has been fine-tuned;
- Fixed polysyllabic word errors in several thesauruses;
- Fixed a bug where the candidate bar previewed after customizing the highlight color in classic highlight mode did not refresh immediately;
- Fixed a bug where the "Follow System" option was still selected after customizing the highlight color;
- Fixed when the mapping symbol was half-width,The input method does not respond to key errors such as the arrow keys and the Esc key;
- Fixed the error that the alphanumeric numbers would also be directly on the screen after the keypad number was turned on。
- Fixed an error that the drop input method on some models may be severely stuck during input;
- Optimize the overall performance of the input method;
- Improve input method program stability。
- Pocketed input macOS 3 The official version was released。